economic disaster 意味

発音を聞く:   economic disasterの例文
  • 経済的大惨事{けいざい てき だいさんじ}


  1. the greatest economic disaster certainly in the 20th century .
  2. all precipitating the worst economic disaster in the history of the united states .
    <米国史上最悪、 泥沼の経済状態でした。 >
  3. the reason a military force used their military currency instead of using their own country ' s monetary system was as follows; the total money supply might increase drastically , which could lead to inflation and economic disaster if they used their own country ' s currency; the country ' s currency might be used for power-keeping maneuver if their enemy country got it .


        avoid economic disaster:    経済{けいざい}破たんを避ける
        cause a major economic disaster:    大規模{だいきぼ}な経済破たんを引き起こす
        realize the economic disaster about to unfold:    経済的{けいざいてき}な大惨事{だいさんじ}がまさにこれから展開し始めるのが分かる
        disaster:     disaster n. 災難, 災禍, 惨事; 《口語》 大失敗. 【動詞+】 narrowly avert a disaster かろうじて災難を避ける. The hurricane brought disaster in its wake. そのハリケーンはそれが通った跡に災害をもたらした The candidate's racial slur bro
        disaster for:    《be a ~》~に惨禍{さんか}をもたらす
        in disaster:    惨憺{さんたん}たる結果{けっか}となる
        endure disaster after disaster:    打ち続く災難{さいなん}に耐える[をこらえる]
        economic:     economic adj. 経済(上)の; 経済学の; 実利的な, 実用上の. 【副詞】 His interest in this project is purely economic. 彼のこの計画への興味はまったく実利的なものだ.
        absolute disaster:    全くの大失敗{だい しっぱい}
        accident and disaster:    事故{じこ}と災害{さいがい}
        add to the disaster:    災害を大きくする
        agricultural disaster:    農業災害{のうぎょう さいがい}
        air disaster:    航空惨事{こうくう さんじ}、航空機事故{こうくうき じこ}
        airplane disaster:    航空機事故{こうくうき じこ}
        airport disaster:    空港災害{くうこう さいがい}


  1. "economic dilemma" 意味
  2. "economic dimension" 意味
  3. "economic dip" 意味
  4. "economic diplomacy" 意味
  5. "economic discrepancy" 意味
  6. "economic dislocation" 意味
  7. "economic disorder" 意味
  8. "economic disparities between nations" 意味
  9. "economic dip" 意味
  10. "economic diplomacy" 意味
  11. "economic discrepancy" 意味
  12. "economic dislocation" 意味

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